What is ZoopR social network?

ZoopR aims to empower its users by bringing their experiences together on a community-centred decentralized, web 3.0 social platform. It enables crypto users to review and rate cryptocurrencies and stores each crypto review's hash on-chain as an NFT making the reviews immutable and non-tamperable.

While improving the crypto space, ZoopR social network empowers its users through ZoopR DAO, an internal reputation system and UNIQUE NAME TOKENS(UNTS).

What makes ZoopR reviews decentralized?

Each review’s hash is uploaded to the blockchain (Polygon Matic Network), making the reviews immutable and non-tamperable.

What is ZoopR DAO?

Consisting of responsible and enthusiastic members of the ZoopR community, ZoopR DAO members will vote over essential decisions and enable proper network compliance.
Find out more about UNTs on: https://zoopr.io/unt


UNT or Unique name tokens are ERC 721 NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain as a username for web3.0 social network ZoopR.
Each username will be unique, secured, and utilised to log into the ZoopR application safely.
UNTs are social usernames that protect the users' identity with true ownership in a decentralised manner.

How can I Mint a ZoopR UNT?

The process of minting UNT is extremely straightforward:
After landing on the “MINT UNT” page on the ZoopR website, check the availability of a desired social username and mint it as an ERC 721 NFT into the wallet by paying the minting and gas fees.

How many UNTs can I mint?

Currently, there is no limit to the number of UNTs that can be minted into one single wallet

Can I change my username on the ZoopR platform?

You can change your primary usernames by choosing your new primary username from the list of minted UNTs when first logging into your ZoopR account or in the profile section on the ZoopR application.
We need to clear if users can change username and in which case they can! Ex when they sell their UNT, or only one UNT can be used on one profile. We need to set this limit or discuss, because IMO each UNT should have a separate profile on its own.

What is a ZoopR UNT market place?

As the ZoopR community will be minting more and more UNTs, a dedicated marketplace will be launched specially for trading UNTs on the ZoopR social platform.

How can I earn a reputation on ZoopR?

Benefit the ZoopR community by reviewing cryptocurrencies and NFTs, interacting with other users and reviews without spamming the platform and improving the ZoopR ecosystem in other ways.

What is a Genesis Pass?

A unique ZoopR limited NFT collection consisting of 1000 NFT passes allows you to Possess fractional ownership of ZoopR as a seed investor and avail yourself endless exclusive future opportunities as UNT and PFP drops and other unique perks.
Find out more about genesis Pass on: https://zoopr.io/genesispass/

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Pioneer the world's first review based web 3.0 social network and upgrade your crypto know-how.